Contractor: American Badge Inc. DBA Smith & Warren
GSA Contract #: GS07F6008P
Business Size: Small
DUNS#: 012250304
CAGE Code: 1BTL3
Tax ID: 13-3571841
Contract Administrator: Joshua R. Medeiros
Contract Period: August 31, 2009 to August 31, 2014

Contact: Josh Medeiros
Phone: 914-598-0122

127 Oakley Ave.
White Plains, NY 10601
attn: GSA Sales

SPORTS, PROMOTIONAL, OUTDOOR, RECREATION, TROPHIES AND SIGNS (SPORTS) - Sports equipment and supplies, fitness equipment, sounds of music, child's play, sports clothing and accessories, safety zone products, camping and hiking equipment, park and playground equipment, wheel and track vehicles, recreational watercraft, flags, awards, trophies, presentations, promotional products, briefcases and carrying cases, trade show displays and exhibit systems and all related products and service.